Purpose and Vision
MHS IB Purpose and Vision
Welcome to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at Magnolia High School! The purpose of the IB Diploma Program is to develop the whole student by way of guiding them to effectively analyze, critically think, and reach conclusions about knowledge as it relates to the world. We do this by exploring language and literature, a second language, individuals and societies, the sciences, mathematics, and the arts in the effort to create scholars prepared to take their place as citizens in the 21st century.
The IB Diploma Program is designed for the student who wants to work hard and seeks increased learning opportunities and academic challenges. An IB student enjoys the free expression of their knowledge in written or spoken form and enjoys creating and wrestling with questions. IB students view subject material not as a static body of knowledge meant to be absorbed, but rather something organic.
The IB Diploma Program takes place over two years in junior and senior classes. During this time the IB Diploma student will participate in and sit for examinations in six different subject areas. The IB diploma student will also participate in three “core” requirements: an independently written research paper, a course about the nature of knowledge, and a service element. If a student scores well enough in all these areas, they will be awarded the IB diploma.
We at MHS believe that the value of an IB education does not lie in the grades a student receives, the GPA boost that might come as a result, the excellent resume it builds for competitive college admissions, or being awarded the IB Diploma. We rather believe the value is in the exploration of knowledge, the interdisciplinary style of thinking and questioning, and specializing in subjects while also developing a well-rounded repertoire of knowledge. If we are true to these pursuits, the college admissions, GPA, grades, and the IB Diploma take care of themselves.
We hope you will take full advantage of the IB opportunity at MHS. For further information, explore the remainder of this website or contact Mr. Parsons at dparsons@magnoliaisd.org or by phone at 281-356-3572 ex. 7122.